This is a half-sized card, so don't confuse it with the normal MMC or SD cards. While this memory is sufficient to store day-to-day data, it would soon run out if you want to store several music tracks, a few movies, several recorded video clips, some audiobooks, pictures etc.Currently RS-DV MMC is available with upto two gigabytes (2 GB) capacity. You could get a good one GB Kingston brand card easily on online stores such as eBay, Amazon or photo/cellphone vendors for under $50. Nokia too sells these cards but are costlier. Try not to go for unheard of companies. Any of Nokia, Sandisk or Kingston would be fine, the latter to being specialists in memory cards. If you intend to use the N70 as an MP3 or Movie player or would like to take lot of photos or capture video for long then this would be money well spent.
Okay, you did get a new RS-DV MMC, a 512 MB or a 1 GB. First thing to do would be to copy the data from the existing 64 MB card to the new one. If you are one of those lucky ones who have a Laptop or PC with a Memmory card reader, things are easy. The reduced sized cards come with an extension piece which makes it a full MMC card. Use the full cards to temporarily copy all the data from the 64 MB card to the computers hard disk and then copy it back into the new MMC.
The other way is to use the PC Suite software along with the PC Connectivity cord to transfer the files and folders temporarily to the PC. Now if you are one of those unfortunate souls who don't have a computer in sight, you can ignore to copy the data (yes! the phone would still work fine) or do it with a little patience by using the N70's in-built memory.
To do this go to Menu -> Tools -> File Mgr. and then copy the folder/files to a temporary folder created in the phone's memory. Note that you can switch between the phone's memory and the card's memory using the right & left arrow keys in File Manager. Depending on you may need to do it in pieces.
Note: The removable memory card is by the right side of the N70. Open the flap carefully (looks a bit flimsy) and use your nails to give the card a push to pop it out. When inserting it back feel the click into position.
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